iSmiles Irvine Orthodontist

What Can I Eat After I’ve Gotten Braces?

For this Friday Focus we’re going to be discussing what foods are safe to eat right after getting braces. With new braces, you’ll probably experience some discomfort when they’re first put on, but this should only last a few days. To make your transition a little smoother, you’ll want to eat soft foods, including macaroni and cheese, bananas, mashed potatoes and gravy, soups, yogurt, scrambled eggs, etc. Smoothies also make a great meal or tasty snack and the possibilities are endless.

Make Healthy Choices

Don’t fall into the sugar loaded soft foods trap with ice cream being a good example. While you can enjoy sugary foods in moderation, aim for making healthy choices most of the time. Your body and teeth will thank you for it.

Foods You Can Eat Throughout Orthodontic Treatment

While it might seem like there’s a long list of foods you need to avoid with braces, there are actually a lot of foods you can still eat, including dairy products like cheese and yogurt, soft breads, muffins and tortillas, soft cooked grains and pasta, soft cooked poultry and meat, seafood (no bones), steamed/soft cooked vegetables, eggs, soups, chili, fruits like bananas and apple sauce. The list goes on and on – just focus on soft, healthy options.

Foods to Avoid During Orthodontic Treatment

To protect your braces and keep orthodontic treatment on track, avoid eating any foods that are raw, hard, tough, chewy, crunchy and sugar laden foods and drinks. It’s important to mention that every time you eat or drink sugary items, your mouth goes through a 20-minute acid assault which can cause tooth decay and gum disease

Good Oral Hygiene

A critical aspect of orthodontic treatment is good oral hygiene. While it’s more challenging to brush and floss with braces, it’s important because food particles end up accumulating in your braces, also causing cavities and gum disease.

At iSmiles Orthodontics, we want you to see sparkling healthy teeth once your braces are removed and the best way to do that is to take good care of your teeth. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about caring for your teeth from the first week with braces to the day they come off. We’re here to make your orthodontic care as comfortable and rewarding as possible.

Ousama El-Hillal
Ousama El-Hillal, referred to as Dr. O by patients, staff and friends, is an Orthodontist and co-owner of iSmiles Orthodontics. iSmiles Orthododontics is leading provider of the Damon System and Invisalign in Irvine.

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Our team at iSmiles Orthodontics prioritizes our patients. We listen to your unique needs and concerns to create the perfect treatment plan for you. Your Irvine orthodontist is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and experience to successfully transform your smile. We promise as an iSmiles patient you will benefit from the newest orthodontic technologies and treatment techniques, so you will fully understand from start to finish each step in the treatment process. You will also enjoy an office environment that is clean, comfortable, efficient and friendly, staffed by people you will come to know as family.