When Your Braces Are Removed…What Happens?
On this week’s Friday Focus, Dr. O El-Hillal from iSmiles Orthodontics, your Irvine Orthodontist, talks about the big reveal – when your braces are finally removed!
Welcome back to Friday Focus. My name is Dr. O and today we will be discussing what happens after your braces are removed. At iSmiles Orthodontics, the official name for braces removal is “debonding”. Removing the brackets is the final step in this orthodontic treatment.
Whenever your dentist performs a debonding service at iSmiles Orthodontics, we turn it into a celebration. There is music, dancing, and gifts for our patients. It’s the first time you get to celebrate your new and improved, beautiful smile.
Traditionally, this appointment takes approximately 90 minutes. We will remove the brackets, check your bite, clean your teeth and talk about the importance of oral hygiene. You will also learn about your retainer and the importance of following the instructions on how to wear it, to ensure your teeth remain in their new, perfectly aligned position.
I also want to assure you that debonding is pain-free and the last step of your orthodontic treatment!
Thank you for watching this video, see you next week!