iSmiles Irvine Orthodontist

Welcome to the Friday Focus. My name is Doctor “O” from iSmiles Orthodontics, Your Irvine Orthodontist and today I’d like to focus on a question we often receive from patients who have recently started treatment. The question is, “Why do orthodontic brackets break?” Generally, we find that broken brackets occur after a patient has eaten something they shouldn’t have eaten – hard, chewy or sticky foods. While it’s inconvenient for […]

Categories: Friday Focus

This week’s Friday focus is going to be about an invisible orthodontic treatment, Invisalign. Here at iSmiles Orthodontics your Irvine Orthodontist we’re Invisalign premier providers which means that we are one of the leading providers of Invisalign in Irvine, California. When considering Invisalign for orthodontic treatment it’s important to look for a premier provider because they typically have more experience in Invisalign treatment than other providers. One of the things […]

Categories: Friday Focus

 Do you or your child take part in sports activities? Then it’s important to note that mouthguards have been referred to as one of the most important parts of an athlete’s uniform and have been shown to reduce injuries as much as helmets. The last thing anyone wants is to have their healthy smile seriously injured during sporting activities, especially since they can easily be prevented by wearing a […]

Categories: Friday Focus

If you or your child will need to wear braces for the next few years, why not have some fun with them? The days of clunky metallic braces are long gone. Now, braces can look stylish and help you feel more confident. Why not keep your braces experience interesting with different color choices and combinations? So, what color braces should you choose? As orthodontic related technologies have evolved, the variety […]

Categories: Friday Focus

Oh, you didn't know? We had the Star Wars crew invade our Irvine Orthodontics office last year including a fairly tall Yoda, a very stern Princess Amidala, Princess Leia, a Jedi, and two female Darth Vaders. Can't believe that there wasn't a Boba Fett or a Darth Maul. Still, you can see that our office loves Halloween and loves dressing up. We're still not sure what this year's theme will be. If anyone has any great ideas, please feel free to send them on over.

Categories: Halloween Day

Become a part of the iSmiles Family!

Whether you’re a child, teenager, adult, or senior, a beautiful smile can benefit patients of all ages!

Our team at iSmiles Orthodontics prioritizes our patients. We listen to your unique needs and concerns to create the perfect treatment plan for you. Your Irvine orthodontist is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and experience to successfully transform your smile. We promise as an iSmiles patient you will benefit from the newest orthodontic technologies and treatment techniques, so you will fully understand from start to finish each step in the treatment process. You will also enjoy an office environment that is clean, comfortable, efficient and friendly, staffed by people you will come to know as family.